Charlotte Rooney
This month’s Guest Expert is Life Coach Charlotte Rooney. Charlotte offers 1:1 coaching for purpose driven people who want to change the world without burning out. She will be joining us on 27th September at 8pm.
Here’s a little insight into Charlotte’s work…
Do you dread Monday morning? Are you already imagining how terrible it is going to be by half way through Sunday afternoon? Is what you do for work a critical part of who you are – so much so that you can’t imagine who you would be without it?
I spent over a decade in aid work, desperately seeking impact and worthiness through my job. I lived in the most remote villages, without electricity or running water, ran mobile health clinics in the Congo, and taught Tibetan refugees in India. And even though I literally spent all of my time trying to serve others – it never felt like enough.
I was a management consultant for 4 years too. Working with some of the smartest people I have ever met, my job was to help some of the world’s most recognised businesses solve whatever problems were in front of them. I travelled 4 days every week, never stayed on a project longer than 3 months and put my entire life on hold to create the impact we were known for. But that didn’t make me feel useful either.
Then, I joined an early stage start up, with only 3 employees. Over the next 3 years I grew the organisation to over 80 people, in 3 countries and supported over 1000 people into life changing jobs. But still, I wasn’t happy.
If you’re ready for some relief, or to stop the constant critic in your mind which assures you that you are still not good enough – then I can help you.
Using lessons learned over a decade of experience hustling for happiness and worth in all the wrong places, two coach certifications and positive psychology tools I help passionate people to manage their thoughts, energy and well-being so that they can stay in a job they care about without burning out.